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Visual Identity
& Brand

Build a strong, consistent brand identity that builds trust with your customers and visibility in the marketplace.

Visuel Identitet og Brand illustration

Why it is important

Instill confidence

An inconsistent visual identity causes concern for (potential) customers. They perceive the company as amateurish and doubt its legitimacy and credibility. Likewise, if the company's communication is inconsistent with varying messages, voices and styles, the same issues and concerns arise.

This is why a strong and cohesive brand identity is so important. It instills trust and professionalism - two of the most important factors that influence a customer's buying decision. If customers can recognize your brand and it gives them a "gut feeling", they will have more confidence in your products and services. This drives sales - a strong brand sells itself!

Consistency is key

Your company's language, tone of voice and graphic elements need to work together to create a cohesive impression. If not, customers will perceive your message as confusing and unreliable. A cohesive "voice" and visuals will strengthen credibility and build trust.

Creating a strong brand takes time, but it's worth the time and energy!

How your brand strengthens SEO

Every business wants to be at the top of Google searches and be among the first non-paid links on the first page! Of course, you can choose to use paid solutions – pay per click (PPC), ads, etc. to get to the top, but search engine optimization (SEO) is still a very important tool for ranking well. And one of the most important factors that affect your rankings is brand recognition.

If you can get people to type your company name or product name directly into the search bar, you're telling Google that you have high value. The more people know about your brand, the more they'll search directly for your company name. And when that happens, Google will start to prioritize your ranking in searches.


6 Important Advantages

Here are six important advantages of building a coherent brand:


  1. Send consistent, trustworthy signals
  2. Create recognition and attention
  3. Increase sales (via increased trustworthiness and recognition)
  4. Refocus the company's vision and visual identity
  5. Use it as a framework for all communication
  6. Make a more professional impression

I can help

It takes patience and time to achieve a strong and recognizable brand! I can help you set the right framework and create the elements. With the combination of my background as a graphic designer and a fresh customer-centric point of view, it's an investment that pays off. I can help with:

  • Analysis of current brand
  • Create a brand expression that conveys who the company is in a way that customers understand
  • Select and design/adapt visual elements - logo, consistent graphic elements, color and image selection, banners for the website, SoMe, newsletter, etc.
  • Rådgivning om og udvikling af sprogligt udtryk (evt. tilpasset forskellige målgrupper eller formål)
  • Complete various design and layout tasks
MeganK marketing background


  1. More brand visibility
  2. Better brand recognition
  3. Increased trust and loyalty amongst target audience
  4. Save time and avoid discussions with clear guidelines and templates
  5. Achieve a design and communication style that speaks to your target audience
  6. Peace of mind by having a brand advisor and graphic designer on your side

Other say

Suitable and recognizable

"I now have a product that can visually fit into many homes. I have no doubt that they are my products when I see them on the shelves, as the label can be recognized from a distance by its structure and delicate colours.

My logo is recognizable and expresses well what products I sell. I have also gained an insight into how I can connect with my target audience when I take pictures of my products.

I would definitely recommend Megan with the professionally qualified advice I have received."

– Charlotte Bagge, Founder, My Creme by Nature (Solrød Strand)

A good foundation

"It has given me peace of mind to know that there was someone who 'had my back' both in terms of digital marketing and expression. I could focus on my work and know that a good foundation had been laid that we could build on if it became necessary to increase advertising, etc."

– Rene Jørgensen, Owner, Skovarbejder.dk (Holbæk)

Understanding the brand

"It was a real eye-opener when Megan saw my old logo and said to me, 'That's not what you want at all.' I'm very happy with our collaboration and the result is spot on."

– Pia Pedersen, Owner, Asap Service (Ringsted)

The Process

 Here is an example of how a typical branding project is structured.

In this example, the time estimates are calculated based on a larger project, i.e. updating a company's logo and brand identity. Larger projects will typically take 15-20 hours, depending on the scope.

Smaller design projects, i.e. a flyer, brochure or advertisement, typically take 1-5 hours, depending on the time it takes to collect the necessary information, design graphic elements, acquire suitable images, and write texts.

Simple layout projects with available resources or updates of earlier versions, generally take less time.


Intro meeting

1-2 hours

We discuss:

  • Foundation – Purpose, product(s), target audience, and existing visual identity (brand guidelines)
  • Goal – wishes for changes, improvements, and desired overall impression
  • Framework – budget and timeline

Customer Type Evaluation (Optional)

approx. 30 min.

Online meeting with Institute for Customer Types to define the relevant customer type, so that we hit the mark with design and language.


We work on


  • Evaluate existing brand identity and where efforts should be focused
  • Target audience evaluation
  • Collect inspiration and sketch ideas


  • Deliver logo and design guide files

Status meeting

approx. 1 hour


  • Existing brand identity and target audience
  • Ideas and sketches, providing feedback
  • Prioritizing of elements

We work on


  • Visual identity: colour, graphic style, font types
  • Design and draw required icons, logos and graphic elements
  • Develop linguistic identity (tone and voice)
  • Guidelines/tips for communication
  • Guidelines for images
  • Design guide


  • Deliver existing templates, content, files, etc.
  • Give feedback on designs

Status meeting

approx. 1 hour

Status meetings are held at agreed times to collect feedback on designs and keep the process moving forward.


Final approval of all items. Delivery of final files, templates, design guide, etc.

Other services

Design and marketing tasks often overlap. For example, it doesn't make sense to have a website without a logo or social media posts that don't speak to your target audience.

Here are some of my other services that might be of interest to you.

Markedsføring og Salgsværktøjer elementer

Sales tools

Present your products and services in a way that your customers can understand and see the inherent value.

Hjemmeside og Social Medie elementer

Website Design

Get a professional and effective website with customer-focused content and design.

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