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Marketing & Sales Tools

Present and visualize your products and processes in a way your customers can understand.

Markedsføring og Salgsværktøjer illustration

Why it is important

Content is king

Content is crucial in marketing. Whether you write a blog or article, send out a newsletter, share an e-book or post on social media, it's all about content. And it should be content that is valuable to your target audience - they want to learn and be inspired by you.

Not too technical

We often use technical terms, concepts and internal processes in a company. We have so much technical knowledge and a deep understanding of our products that we forget that others don't understand this internal language. It can be difficult to explain to customers why they should buy our products without overwhelming them with details and specifications.

It's important to be careful when choosing what and how we communicate with customers.

Engagement creates loyalty

Marketing and sales tools need to speak to your target audience and help them understand your products and the buying process. Good, regular marketing activities ensure that your product is top of mind and engages your target audience. When your potential and current customers are engaged, they are more likely to buy from you.

Similarly, distributors and suppliers are more loyal when they feel they are stakeholders in your shared success.


Remember to share

Good content is not enough it itself. You also need to ensure that:

  1. Share content in the right media / channels
  2. Tell others – don't expect that your target audience will find it themselves
  3. Engage with those who comment or react

It is demanding on time and resources! But it will gradually lead to the desired results – more followers, more sales, increased recognition, and increased trust in your brand.

I can help

Pragmatic assistance

If you need help brainstorming, planning, developing, writing and/or designing content, I can help with guidance and practicalities. We'll find the right messages and the right balance of media. I'll look at your situation, products and processes with fresh eyes and together we'll come up with a realistic, effective and manageable strategy.

Sales tools

I help you translate and visualize technical language, internal processes and technical descriptions. You get professional sales tools such as product brochures, websites, company presentations and process drawings that your customers can relate to.


There are many reasons to run campaigns, but you may not always have the time and energy to do it in the most effective way. That's where a partner who can help you execute and run campaigns can be valuable.

MeganK marketing background


  1. Engage your customers and speak to their needs
  2. Get more out of you marketing effort and budget
  3. Choose the right activities and channels
  4. Run campaigns with measurable effect

Other say

Valuable tools

"Megan has helped me create info sheets and process diagrams that I can use as a communication tool with my customers. It's been a great process where we take one topic and go through it step by step, structure it, and tie up loose ends.

This process has helped me to be stronger in my communication and helped me to realize the value I bring to my customers. I understand my customers much better now, and I'm better able to meet their needs."

– Laura Rossing, Owner, RAQA

Value-drive insights

"MeganK. Marketing & Design excels at providing value-driven advice. Megan doesn't just provide services, she offers insights and strategies that maximize our ROI and contribute to the overall success of our marketing initiatives.

Megan is meticulous when it comes to details. She takes the time to thoroughly understand our brand, messaging, and target audience, ensuring each marketing campaign is executed with precision and accuracy.

We also appreciate that all deadlines are met. Projects are consistently delivered on time, which has been crucial to the success of our marketing campaigns."

– Per Gede Arild, Vice President Sales, Service & Product Management, Glunz & Jensen

The Process

Here is an example of how a typical marketing project is structured.
The project's overall timeline depends on the project's scope and the time that both parties are able to commit to it.


Intro meeting

1-2 hours

We discuss:

  • Foundation – Purpose, product(s), target audience, USPs and existing visual identity (brand guidelines)
  • Goal – desired KPIs and other purposes
  • Framework – budget and timeline

Customer Type Evaluation (Optional)

approx. 30 min.

Online meeting with Institute for Customer Types to define the relevant customer type, so that we hit the mark with design and language.


We work on


  • Develop marketing concept based on discussion at intro meeting
  • Sketch ideas
  • Define target audience
  • Evaluate and recommend marketing / communication activities and channels


  • Deliver logo and design guide files

    Status meeting

    approx. 30 min.

    We discuss:

    • Ideas and sketches, providing feedback
    • Target audience

    Status meetings are held at agreed times to keep the process moving forward.


    We work on


    • Layout of print and digital elements
    • Write and review texts
    • Find or source suitable images
    • Plan and direct photo or videoshoots
    • Design and draw required icons, logos and graphic elements
    • Set up digital campaigns


    • Give input and feedback on the project
    • Write texts, collect content, and provide resources as required

    Status meeting

    approx. 30 min.

    Status meetings are held at agreed times to keep the process moving forward.

    Other services

    Design and marketing tasks often overlap. For example, it doesn't make sense to have a website without a logo or social media posts that don't speak to your target audience.

    Here are some of my other services that might be of interest to you.

    Visuel Identitet og Brand elementer

    Visual Identity

    Build a strong, consistent brand identity that builds trust with your customers and visibility in the marketplace.

    Hjemmeside og Social Medie elementer

    Website Design

    Get a professional and effective website with customer-focused content and design.

    Let's start
    something new!